I'm With You, Gorge, Pacitti Company Think Tank. Photo Christa Holka.

I’m With You (UK associate) is a collective including Johanna Linsley, Christa Holka and R. Justin Hunt. In their practice, flexibility, collectivity and alternative understandings of the domestic negotiate with provisional, temporary and precarious conditions. The members’ background in photography, and performance practice and theory inform a focus on the relationship between the live and the documented, and their methods of working together balance the individually authored with the collectively produced. Recently, they have been developing the project Gorge, a performance, meal, and conversation that brings people around a dinner table for a messy, politically charged encounter. They will continue to develop this project while associates at Delfina Foundation with a focus on sex and sexuality, exploring how the excess and overeating implied by ‘gorging’ might usefully open up thinking around bodies and eroticism, and more particularly, private experience and public space.

With support from

Arts Council England


Performance as Process:
Season 1


Winter 2015


Please note all artist-in-residence biographies are accurate at the time of their residency. For up-to-date bios please visit the artist’s website.